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Arnold Robbins was born in New York, spent most of his childhood in Puerto Rico and graduated with a Bachelors degree in Environmental Policy Analysis and Planning from the University of California, Davis. He currently lives in Las Vegas, Nevada. Arnold has one published book of poetry - The Archaeology and used to perform regularly at open mic night's at Luna's Cafe in Sacramento, California.

Eco Magnus Opus-by Arnold Robbins


Human beings and consciousness

Evolution reaching a narcissistic self concept

Man - Looks in the mirror and sees...

The apex predator blessed with

The manifest destiny to have

Dominion over all the Earth

Conquest and expansion mentality

Gives rise to scorched earth policies

Human populations exploding 

Resource extraction progressing

Industrialization encroaching 

Rainforest destruction expanding 

World output of Carbon Dioxide rising

Tragedy of the commons growing

Glaciers melting

Sea levels rising

Shorelines flooding

Pollution and disease spreading

Endocrine disrupters infiltrating

Warning - species declining

Extinction events accelerating

Future wars and genocide likely

What shall it profit a man

To seek material conquest at the peril

of destroying all life on Earth?

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