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 I'm Leslie Soule. Welcome to the Dark Side/ aka The Fiction side of Hockspitslurp!


I'm a writer of sci-fi & fantasy, who is taking online journalism courses through Lee Stranahan's Citizen Journalism School. 


As your editor, I'm looking for stuff that dazzles me - beautiful, weird writing & interesting ideas - stuff that makes me want to shout your name from the rooftops!


We are here to tell the stories that don't need telling, but will be told anyway. 


I chose fiction because then you can't call it lying. But no, really, I've written since the time I had an old word processor as a child, and wrote stuff because the real world bored me. 


I am moved by writing that takes me to other worlds/places/times!!!


"The world is a hellish place, and bad writing is destroying the quality of our suffering." ~ Tom Waits



*Artwork found at Spanish Fly Hair Salon in Sacramento, CA; muralist unknown. 

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