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Thomas Samuel Ball


Welcome to the Non-fiction side of Hockspitslurp.


As your editor , I am looking for writing that inspires me and makes me jump up and want to champion your work.


I was trained in Journalism and while you may not be strictly writing Journalism , the same ethos is the basis of great non-fiction.


We are here to tell the stories that need telling.


I choose Journalism because as the son of a Deputy sheriff , I have a thirst for Justice but as someone with epilepsy I support medical cannabis. 


We are looking for people who are Vigil-anti spirits. 


I am moved by writing that shows a passion for Justice and that champions the Individual against the tyranny of agendas.


I am a Libertarian  that means I despise the pretentious hipsters and social justice warriors who drink gluten free chi tea and believe that more yoga will put an end to all conflicts. It also means that I am tempted on a weekly basis to physically eradicate those non-thinking people who believe that just because we get rain in the winter time , that climate change is a hoax and that putting a bumper sticker saying "Support Our Troops" is the sign of a true patriot.  


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